Sunday, January 23, 2011

The real price of cheap cosmetic surgery...

See?! It's not just me going on about non-plastic surgeons "learning" to do plastic surgery procedures in weekend courses, then calling themselves "cosmetic surgeons"!  Self Magazine, in its January 2011 issue, ran a great article about the real price of cheap cosmetic surgery.  Highlights from the story:
  • Cosmetic surgeons are NOT plastic surgeons.  They may have taken some weekend courses, but haven't done nearly the 4-6 years of training that a true board-certified plastic surgeon has done.
  • Hospital privileges matter.  A hospital would never take on the liability of allowing a "cosmetic surgeon" to perform procedures in the hospital facility. The hospitals recognize that the training is not the same as it is for a board-certified plastic surgeon.
  • "Awake" surgery doesn't mean safer surgery.  And it may mean the doctor doesn't have any other options than to do your surgery in his office.
Buyer beware, and be educated.

1 comment:

  1. That's really scary. i'm glad there are people on the web telling the truth about plastic surgery prices and cosmetic surgery info. thanks.
