Oh, the dreaded lumps! The cottage cheese dimples! And the complete unfairness that 80% of women—even thin women—get cellulite, yet men rarely do! Why?
What Is Cellulite?
On the surface of the skin, cellulite looks like dimples and bumps. In places where the skin’s connective tissues are stretched to their limits by fat cells beneath the skin, cellulite appears. The "dimples" occur at the points where the surface of the skin connects to the tissues beneath, and the "bumps" are where the fat cells are pushing outward on the skin.
What Causes Cellulite?
A genetic predisposition, hormone levels, hydration, diet, exercise, stress, habits, and some medications can all contribute to the development of cellulite. Estrogen will cause the fat cells to clump together, for unknown reasons.
Why Don’t Men Get Cellulite?
Actually, men do get cellulite. You just can’t see it as well as you can on a woman! Cellulite is more visible on a woman’s body than on a man’s body because men’s body fat is concentrated inside the belly and abdomen, while women’s body fat is located nearer the skin. Further, women’s skin is thinner, making the cellulite more visible. And, last, women carry more fat than men.
Does Anything Eliminate Cellulite?
There are many cellulite reduction creams on the market today that claim to eliminate cellulite, but the truth is that cellulite is much too deep beneath your skin’s surface to be eliminated by mere creams. Cellulite removal requires more than a cream!
Unfortunately, that dimpled skin on your thighs, hips, and buttocks is very resistant to diet and exercise, although avoiding exercise and prolonged sitting (like at the office) can certainly increase your propensity to develop cellulite.
VelaShape™ is an Effective Cellulite Treatment!
Our Atlanta cellulite patients love VelaShape™, an FDA-cleared nonsurgical solution to cellulite. A combination of 4 technologies (infrared light, radiofrequency, massage, and suction) reduces the appearance of cellulite and smoothes the surface of your skin. VelaShape™ actually reduces the amount of fat under the surface of your skin by increasing both blood flow and lymphatic drainage. VelaShape™ is the best cellulite treatment for a noticeable reduction in the fat layers in the treated areas.
Dr. Kavali is a VelaShape™ Pro!
Dr. Kavali was the first physician in the state of Georgia and one of the first in the Southeast to offer VelaShape™! We have performed hundreds of VelaShape™ treatments. Further, Dr. Kavali was a Principal Investigator in two FDA studies of VelaShape™, making her one of the nation’s true experts in the procedure. Experience counts, because it is very possible to complete a series of incorrect treatments and see zero results.
How is VelaShape™ Done?
Over a series of five weekly treatments in our Atlanta plastic surgery office, you’ll enjoy what feels like a hot massage. There’s no pain, no need for anesthesia of any kind, and the treatment can be done over your lunch hour. In a few weeks you’ll notice an improvement in the texture and tone of your thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, or neck. Results are maintained with 3 or 4 treatments each year thereafter.
Schedule an appointment to check out VelaShape™ and get rid of those bumps and lumps!
To your health and beauty,
Atlanta Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
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